Business Market Analysis

Introduction / Business Problem

This analysis is meant to help a business venture choose between locations. Specifically we will look at Mexican restaurants in Los Angeles. Finding a neighborhood that is not saturated with other Mexican restaurants would be a great place to start!


scrape for list of neighborhoods in LA

First we need to set some variables, including defining the source of our information. We will be scraping to get out communities and zip codes.

Here we are creating a list, finding our cells, cleaning some unnececary characters, and appending our list.

Next we must split the data at the commas.

Here we have the bulk of our data cleaning! See the comments for more information on what is happening but the basic idea is to take a list of strings and turn some of the items into int, while also getting rid of some extra zip codes we wont be using and fix a couple formatting problems. We will also be grabbing some latitude and longitude data while we are at it

Lets make it a data frame and have a look!

define a function to locate nearby venues

This will grab all the restaurants labeled "Mexican"

map venues in relation to neighborhoods

Here is a map that shows all the venues in blue and all the neighborhoods in red.

And here it is zoomed in

How many Mexican restaurants are in each neighborhood?

Wile I dont want to pick an area that is saturated I also don't want to pick an area with no demand for a Mexican Restaruant. Since I like the neighborhood University Park and it has enough venues to show demand lets look a little deeper!

There are three venues that meet our criteria:

La Valentina has 14 likes and a rating of 7.0

Monarca has 1 like and no rating

Cilantro Mexican Grill also has  1 like and no rating


It looks like University park may be a great place to start a Mexican Restaraunt! There are only 3 in the neighborhood none of them appear to have good ratings. This could indicate that there is a demand. People seem to want this type of food to keep 3 venues open. There also seems to be opportunity (since the ratings and number of likes are low) to fill that demand with something that people will enjoy. Further market research is still needed but this area looks promising!


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